Wednesday, 22. January 2025


Have you ever been so high you can't move? Have you ever watched your nose start to bleed in slow motion after a long line that got your brain processing faster than your flickering eyes? Have you ever drunk so much that the world recedes into echoes and your limbs seem too far from it to interact except in clumsy lumbering? If you remember, or have forgotten (or suppressed) any of the above experiences of heightened or warped senses then Drug Time will seem eerily familiar but a little bit off.

Amy Putman /

Negative Trip liefern den apodiktischen Soundtrack zu den Wirrungen der postmodernen Neuzeit-Gesellschaft. Mein persönlicher Favorit für den täglichen Gang zum Büro-Job.

Fredy Engel / Echte Leute Blog

That one was “a bleak, unrelenting electronic darkwave trip”, and “Drug Time” serves up more of the same, but with added orgone accumulator. There is certainly something very unsettling going on in the bowels of this record, an undercurrent that churns your innards in a very unpleasant way.

Zeitgeist / The Rocker

Negative Trip: Drug Time - 12 Tracks - Available on CD or as Digital Download

Release Date: 2013 - Index: PTR 007

Distributed through Purple Tree Records (PTR)